Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Acar Nenas (Pineapple Salad)

This is a quick one normally eaten with nasi minyak, curry etc. We've modified this slightly. We didn't use vinegar, instead we've used salad oil.

So here goes...

Dried shrimp powder
The Ingredients
Cili padi (small chillies).
Cili merah (Red chillies).
Udang kering (dried shrimp) powder.
• Salt.
All of the above ingredients are pounded finely.
• Pineapple cleaned and the core removed.
Bawang merah (shallots) sliced thinly.
• Cucumber, the skin and the middle part removed. The sides are sliced.
• Salad oil or clear vinegar.
Update: My sister, Ainita uses french dressing instead of vinegar.

The Method
• Put the pounded ingredients and the sliced ones in a bowl. Mix well.
• Add the salad oil and salt to taste. Vinegar is normally used for this.

Thats it. Easy huh? Hahaha. Here is the video. My dear younger sister, Eileena is in this one.

So... masak lah dengan kasih sayang, memang lebih sedap. Enjoy!